Being mom

I had a dream last night that I was in a terrible car crash, a bus had hit me head-on. It was frightening enough to have woke me from my sleep, at 3am. I don't usually have dreams like this and it really shook me up. I was wondering what my mind was telling me. Was this a direct sign of something going on in my life? could it be a way of a higher power telling me to go with my instincts? Was it suppose to wake me up to the realization that life is so sacred, and not to be taken for granted?

After I woke, I heard my daughter coughing and she came in and said mama can I sleep in here with you. I let her climb in under the blankets and she fell fast asleep next to me. I stared at her peacefulness, and her small hand on my arm. I thanked God that my life has been blessed with two amazing and intelligent girls. I don't know if all other aspects of my life are going in the right direction at this moment but I am certain, that being a mother, a single mother at that is rewarding, stressful, and beautiful. Without them I would not be whole, I would not be happy. They are the light of my life. Hold your children, tell them you love them every moment you can. Nothing else matters. No amount of money or material items can ever replace unconditional love and being called mom.


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