Life after 35.... now what?

I just recently turned 35, and I would like to say how grateful and blessed I am about it all. I do have some serious questions about what's next. I have 2 amazing girls and a supportive family but everything seems to be going so quickly. All the virtual schooling, and covid19, the political crap. RBG just passed away and it makes me worried for our futures as women in this Country.


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My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent.

So I have been for the most part very healthy and aware of my body changing. I never thought I would need to read, and scroll through thousands of pages about a stomach rash, bloating, distended stomach, regularity, and what probiotics to take. I noticed a very odd-shaped rash on my stomach a few months ago and thought it was a reaction to the hot humid WI summer weather. After leaving a very costly dermatologist appointment it turned out to be: Tinea versicolor. It's fairly common I guess, for those who don't know what it is. Here is the definition. An overgrowth of yeast on the skin surface causes tinea versicolor. If your skin is warm, moist, and oily enough, naturally occurring yeast may grow in small colonies. These yeast colonies cause the symptoms of tinea versicolor. EWWW! sounds so gross. 😝A lovely rash cream is a next step to getting rid of it.

Now the serious question of my digestion and stomach problems..... Feeling full after just 2 to 4 bites of food. Having a bloated stomach 24/7 and never going #2. It's something that hopefully will get cured with probiotics and more vegetables. I was told to cut out some major favorite items. No wine, beer, mushrooms, CARBS! omg, I love bread, pasta, and everything that starts P and ends with IZZA. 🍕

I have also made the decision to STOP ✋ birth control. I have been on the paragard, and then switched to an oral pill; Loestrin lo fe. 💊 As many of you know it's frustrating to keep taking pills and inserting things into your body that we only know some of the side effects of. A lot of companies say it doesn't cause weight gain, depression, hair loss, hair growth (in areas we don't want it to) mood swings, headaches, breast soreness, and a ton of other crap. 

I just recently was told about a book and totally need to buy it on audible. If you've read please leave your reviews 📕


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